
Fishfinder LOWRANCE Elite-12 FS with Active Imaging 3-1 transducer

SKU: 13012
Price: 2795,00 €
2499,00 €
Qty.: - +
The Lowrance Elite FS is a powerful successor to the very popular Elite Ti2 series, offering a wide range of advanced features and technologies. It's a touch-screen fish finder that utilizes multi-frequency transducers, providing comprehensive views of both the water beneath the boat and its sides. Here are some key features and specifications:

1. Touchscreen Display & Powerful Processor:
The Elite FS features a bright touchscreen display that is easy to use, with pinch-to-zoom functionality. The high-resolution display ensures crystal-clear images, even in direct sunlight. Powered by a more powerful processor, the Elite FS can handle resource-intensive transducers and devices, like the Active Target, which provides real-time moving images of fish and structures ahead of the boat.

2. Transducers & Side/Down Imaging:
Included in the standard package is the Active Imaging™ 3-in-1 transducer, which delivers detailed, clear views of the bottom structure. For even more advanced views, users can purchase the Active Target transducer (sold separately), which allows for forward-facing sonar to view fish and structure ahead of the boat.

3. Genesis Live Mapping & Real-Time Cartography:
The Genesis Live feature enables real-time mapping and detailed contour creation on the water, allowing users to quickly and easily build accurate maps of their fishing areas. You can adjust transparency, depth contour spacing, colors, and more to make the maps more suited to your needs.

4. Connectivity & Smart Features:
Elite FS supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, enabling you to receive notifications for calls and messages directly on your fish finder, as well as software and map updates. The unit also includes an Ethernet port, allowing data sharing with other devices (such as HDS Live). You can also control MotorGuide bow-mounted trolling motors directly from the Elite FS.

5. Customizable Shortcut Button:
The Elite FS includes an additional button that allows you to assign a shortcut to a frequently used function, making it easy to access key features with just one touch.

6. Design & Display Quality:
The Elite FS features a sleek, angular design, and its display quality is very similar to that of the HDS Live series, but with an even brighter screen, providing better clarity and visibility in different lighting conditions.

The Lowrance Elite FS 10" is an excellent choice for both experienced and beginner anglers who want detailed, real-time information about the water and the fish they’re targeting. It combines powerful sonar technologies, an intuitive interface, and superior connectivity features in a compact, high-performance unit.
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The Lowrance Elite FS is a powerful successor to the very popular Elite Ti2 series, offering a wide range of advanced features and technologies. It's a touch-screen fish finder that utilizes multi-frequency transducers, providing comprehensive views of both the water beneath the boat and its sides. Here are some key features and specifications:

1. Touchscreen Display & Powerful Processor:
The Elite FS features a bright touchscreen display that is easy to use, with pinch-to-zoom functionality. The high-resolution display ensures crystal-clear images, even in direct sunlight. Powered by a more powerful processor, the Elite FS can handle resource-intensive transducers and devices, like the Active Target, which provides real-time moving images of fish and structures ahead of the boat.

2. Transducers & Side/Down Imaging:
Included in the standard package is the Active Imaging™ 3-in-1 transducer, which delivers detailed, clear views of the bottom structure. For even more advanced views, users can purchase the Active Target transducer (sold separately), which allows for forward-facing sonar to view fish and structure ahead of the boat.

3. Genesis Live Mapping & Real-Time Cartography:
The Genesis Live feature enables real-time mapping and detailed contour creation on the water, allowing users to quickly and easily build accurate maps of their fishing areas. You can adjust transparency, depth contour spacing, colors, and more to make the maps more suited to your needs.

4. Connectivity & Smart Features:
Elite FS supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, enabling you to receive notifications for calls and messages directly on your fish finder, as well as software and map updates. The unit also includes an Ethernet port, allowing data sharing with other devices (such as HDS Live). You can also control MotorGuide bow-mounted trolling motors directly from the Elite FS.

5. Customizable Shortcut Button:
The Elite FS includes an additional button that allows you to assign a shortcut to a frequently used function, making it easy to access key features with just one touch.

6. Design & Display Quality:
The Elite FS features a sleek, angular design, and its display quality is very similar to that of the HDS Live series, but with an even brighter screen, providing better clarity and visibility in different lighting conditions.

The Lowrance Elite FS 10" is an excellent choice for both experienced and beginner anglers who want detailed, real-time information about the water and the fish they’re targeting. It combines powerful sonar technologies, an intuitive interface, and superior connectivity features in a compact, high-performance unit.
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